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Our Vision
When we created Iscooting we realized that existing electric scooters on the market, such as the Xiaomi M365 and M365 Pro, while being a great alternative to traditional transportation, have room for improvement and scooter users are demanding a more stable and safer ride. In particular, the wheels and damping of electric scooters were a source of complaint for those who saw their electric scooter as a sustainable, practical and efficient means of transport. Through our own experience as users of electric scooters, we realized the difficulty of finding a solution to these drawbacks of good quality, with warranty and fast shipping times (24-72 hours). That is why we launched a search for solutions to improve the driving quality of the Xiaomi M365 scooter and bring it closer to all our iscooters.
Accessories for Xiaomi M365
Those of us who are electric scooter users know that accessories for Xiaomi M365 serve many functions, some of which are purely aesthetic. In electric scooter accessories we look for solutions to common problems, such as lack of charging capacity of electric scooters, lack of lighting, improved technical features and of course, customization!
Focusing on finding the best accessories for Xiaomi M365 and M365 PRO scooters, we have made a thorough selection of those accessories for Xiaomi M365 that will help you improve the efficiency of your electric scooter and give it a personality that distinguishes it from others. In the section accessories for Iscooting scooters you can find cell phone holders, anti-slack rubbers, carrying straps, hooks, disc locks, vinyls, custom rear fenders and more, to make your journeys more comfortable, in addition to improvements for Xiaomi M365, such as larger wheels(10-inch WANDA wheels), XTECH brake kit compatible with all Xiaomi M365 scooters and Monorim brand suspensions for electric scooter, which as an accessory will give you a distinctive touch and as a replacement for scooter, will offer you many advantages over the original scooter shock absorber system.
If you are not a user of the Xiaomi M365 or Xiaomi M365 Pro electric scooter do not worry, many of the accessories for electric scooter that we offer will be compatible with your electric scooter!